martes, 1 de mayo de 2012


COLONIA copiaEl próximo 14 de mayo tendrá lugar un evento en Colonia enfrente de EASA organizado por la ETF (European Transport Federation) con el fin de hacer presión sobre el borrador que se esta preparando en la UE en relación a las limitaciones de tiempos de vuelo y descanso de las tripulaciones .
USO como en otras ocasiones con su participación activa en estos foros europeos, asistirá representado por 3 delegadas, ISABEL MIR, FABIOLA BONILLA y ARANCHA AUSIN, que a su vez son TCPS de Air Europa.
Safe Crew Fatigue RuleS Now!
As you know, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is in the process of drafting the future rules that will regulate YOUR future flight and duty time limitations. They released a revised proposal on 18 January 2012, which is not acceptable as it will considerably reduce flight safety levels in many European countries. Although an improvement compared to the first proposal of Dec 2010, this text still disregards decades of scientific evidence and does not take into account many of the scientists’ recommendations.
As a consequence, European stakeholders, including ETF, made extensive comments to this proposal. These comments will be reviewed in a final meeting in Cologne on 15-16 May 2012. At this occasion, ETF and ECA (European Cockpit Association) will be organising on 14 May 2012 a gathering of cabin crew and pilots in order to explain to EASA our concerns on these future rules. We will also invite EASA to talk to you and explain their plan.
We need you! This is about you, about your future, about your safety and that of your passengers! Together, we can make the difference!

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